About Us/History
Welcome to our farm!
Schafer Farms traces its roots back to Crown Point, IN, where Harold Schafer began farming in 1952 and raising a small herd of Hereford cattle. As time passed, encroaching urban development caused the family to look for a new location where the operation could expand enough to accommodate the farming career of Harold’s two sons. In 1972 after an extensive multi-state search, Harold and his wife Ellen Ann decided to relocate to LaCrosse, IN. That same year their son Myron started farming alongside Harold. Younger son Vern joined them upon graduation from Purdue in 1976. The LaCrosse farm came with cattle facilities, but improvements were needed in machinery storage and maintenance facilities. This led to the construction of the farm’s first shop. Shortly thereafter, more improvements came as the beginnings of the farm’s current grain handling facility were put in place. Finally, the 70’s also saw significant changes to the cow herd as we began cross breeding our Hereford cows with other bloodlines in an effort to raise the best cattle possible. The 80’s brought growth and change as new barns were erected, along with a new larger silo to handle cattle feed. The grain system also continued to grow. The 90’s brought even more expansion as our operation’s acreage base grew, and began the introduction of Angus genetics into the cow herd.
2001 marked the beginning of some major changes at Schafer Farms. That was the first year the farm operated a center pivot irrigation system, and the first experience growing seed corn (corn produced specifically for seed used the following year.) 2001 also marked the official start of the farming career of Vern’s son Matthew, who returned to the farm after graduating from Purdue. 2002 was the start of a brief but rapid expansion in the acreage base of the farm. To accommodate the extra grain produced on these acres major changes occurred with the grain handling system. These included a new dumping facility and a new elevator leg dedicated to unloading incoming trucks. New storage bins were also put in place. The mid 2000s brought even more change as vegetable crops were introduced to the farm as a way to better utilize its growing number of irrigated acres. 2008 was a bit of a sad year for Schafer Farms with the passing of our founder, Harold, who unfortunately didn’t get to see the farm achieve the honor of being selected a host farm for the 2009 Indiana Farm Management Tour put on by Purdue Extension. 2009 was also the year the farm broke ground on its new farm shop and office complex which serves as the main hub of the operation today.
Today the management team consists of Myron (wife Joan, grown children Season and Spencer,) Vern (wife Sherrie, grown children Matthew and Staci,) and Matthew (wife Kristen, son Lucas.) The operation consists largely of irrigated acres growing corn, soybeans, waxy corn, seed corn, cucumbers, and green beans. The cow herd has been grown and developed, using only replacement heifers from within the herd and using high quality bull genetics to produce crossbred cattle with Hereford, Angus, and Simmental influence.
The family and employees not only work hard on the farm, but strive to be a positive presence in the community as well. Our involvement includes membership and activity in St. Martin of Tours church, the LaPorte County Row Crop Food Producers team, local and county level 4-H leadership and support, LaPorte County and Indiana Farm Bureau, and membership in and directorship of LaPorte County Co-op.
We at Schafer Farms are proud of where the operation has come from and where it is today. Moving forward it is our goal to continue to produce high quality agricultural products while helping build our community and industry through leadership and involvement. We will continue to provide responsibly raised beef for our valued customers while paying detailed attention to the welfare of our animals. Finally, we hope to continue to grow the operation while maintaining good stewardship of our land and natural resources for the next generation and many more to come.